Upon Further Analysis — Archives

  • Rethinking Core Deposits

    Core deposits are an important but often elusive concept with implications for both interest rate risk and liquidity. A strong core deposit base can help insulate a bank from interest rate swings and market turmoil. Accurately defining and measuring core deposits remain significant challenges for regulators, bank managers, and analysts. How can recent experience help…

  • A Deeper Dive into Uninsured Deposits

    Last year’s bank failures brought increased attention to large, uninsured deposits and banks’ reliance on them as a source of funding. Taking a data-driven approach, I looked at the recent trend in uninsured deposits, the types of banks with the highest (and lowest) concentrations of uninsured accounts, and whether and to what extent deposit concentrations…

  • Key Takeaways from the Republic First Bank Failure

    Regulators closed Philadelphia-based Republic First Bank on April 26, 2024. Fulton Bank, NA assumed most of Republic First’s deposits and assets in an FDIC-assisted transaction. The FDIC’s Inspector General will likely conduct a Failed Bank Review that will try to identify the causes of Republic First’s failure. In the meantime, here are some takeaways based…